Monthly Archives: March 2017

year two, part snowpocalypse | video

the time of the year when the forecast says nothing but snow (finally!!), when my hair goes from long to short, when we celebrate the birth of the my Savior, and when my age increases by one whole year.

year two, part one | video

it’s been so long since my last post that i’m not even embarrassed anymore. so much has happened since i last hopped on here that i had to re-read my most recent posts to remind me where i left off (oops). after editing and compiling this video, i was a bit sad to see that […]

where i’m from

I am from oolong tea, black tea, chrysanthemum tea, and milk tea, from rice cookers that made enough rice for my family and me. I am from the house on Buckeye Drive, painted a soft peach that kept me safe during horrifying nightmares, and caught my tears on the saddest of days. I am from […]